Sunday, May 30, 2010

The rut of stuckiness ...

All I can say for now is that I am feeling washed out, braindead and incompetent. I hope things improve soon. Too much to do to be stuck in this rut.

Friday, May 7, 2010

New look

Yay! I finally got around to it ...

New curtains for Presley

New curtains for the study

New curtains for our room

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Camping & Rejuvenation

Over the Labor Day weekend we went camping up at Noosa North Shore as part of MCC's annual family fishing and camping weekend. It is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with people outside of church and it just gets better with each passing year. This year there were about 90 of us. I love it because it is right on the beach and has great facilities. With us were our lovely friends Steve and Sara and their scrumptious little man, Graeme. It was so delightful to go to sleep to the sound of the crashing surf and to wake up to the sound of lorikeets and kookaburras. But the most magical sight were the kangaroos grazing in the early morning light.

One of the things I love about camping is that you are not a slave to the clock. You get up when you wake up, you eat when you're hungry, you play when you want, you read, you lounge around, you swim, you chat, and you go to bed just becuase you're tired. I love it. Time is what you make it. I wish every day could be that way, *sigh*. Oh well, back to reality. Clothes to wash and fold, dishes to do, child to feed and a sick husband to look after. Truly, I wouldn't want it any other way.