Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hidden Joy

About 2 weeks ago I realized that I needed to think of a present for a darling little girl turning 1. Like so many of us at the moment, money is a little tight, so I put on my thinking cap. What could I do that wasn't to cost an arm and leg but was still that little bit special?

Well, I searched high and low (thank you Google) and I thought, what if I was clever enough to make a soft toy for this adorable little girl? I carefully chose my pattern, printed it off, chose my fabrics and painstakingly cut out the pieces.

Then I pinned, sewed, looked at the tutorial, sewed, unpicked, sewed, pinned, scratched my head, threw my hands up, looked again, aha, repinned, sewed, stuffed, sewed, (repeat all of the above, and repeat again) and finally, I tied a ribbon.

Behold, my creation:

A suitably gorgeous softie for such an adorable little girl. Happy birthday Tiffany!


  1. It looks great Suz and it will mean so much more as she gets older cos she'll know that you made it just for her :D

  2. Thats awesome! Well done!
    From Krystal
