Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's 2011!! *GASP*

Phew, I made through 2010 ... barely. As with the beginning of any new year, I find myself asking the same questions. What will this year bring? Am I ready for it? Will I come out the other side with as much hope and optimism as I entered it?

Well it's a new year and again I ask those questions. So here's my attempt to answer them:

What will this year bring?
Excellent question considering I have no ability to see into the future! What I can say with absolute certainty there will be challenges, joy, heartache, tears and laughter.

Am I ready for 2011?
Not on your nelly! But I sure am excited at what I see unfurling before me.

Will I come out the other side with as much hope and optimism as I entered it?
Hm, can't say for sure, however, I do believe that how I tackle the problems and challenges that rise before me will have a direct impact on how I end 2011.

So, to all my faithful family, friends and fellow bloggers I wish you a very Happy New Year. May you make the most of every opportunity, seek to uplift others and take time to count your blessings!

With love,

Suz xoxo

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