Monday, March 8, 2010

Shin splints, and all that jazz

Ok, ok. I know I haven't been on for about 10days but quite honestly I didn't know what to say!

I haven't been doing any running sessions because after my last heroic effort I ended up with shin splints. Yay. Very fun. But they are on the mend. Still, that put quite a large fly in my ointment. Doesn't exactly help the whole get fit regime I had started. Hopefully I can pick up pretty much where I left off. Of course, now I've started to lose motivation and I have felt quite down about it all. But I know that I can start again once my shins have healed.

First thing on my To Do list this week is to buy new running shoes. I think that getting proper running shoes that are right for my running style (I think calling it a 'running' style might be an insult to true athletes). I'm quite excited about it. I haven't bought new shoes since Oct 2009, and even then they were $10 from Big W! So, off to the Athlete's Foot to get the new fandangled measuring thingy done and then I should be set. Sweet!

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