Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yesterday I did my second Couch to 5km session. It was pretty hardcore but also, surprisingly, a little easier. In fact, I ran 7 out of the 8 runs (didn't run the 7th). I was really struggling in the last one but I pushed on and ... I did it! I surpassed my goal of running 6 in this one. The only thing that was a real bother this time was my shins. I suffer from shin splints and it took a lot of grunting to finish the last 60sec run. Once I was home I followed some advice given to me by a friend and iced my shins for about 20mins (you rub vigorously up and down with an ice pack). That really does the trick. Thanks for that Julie!

There is definitely something satisfying about setting a goal and then reaching it. Sunday will be my 3rd training session. I have decided that I WILL run the 8 set bursts. That really will be something to be proud of. Then it will be on to week two of the challenge.

On a lighter note, this afternoon we are heading off to a friends' 30th birthday party. We're going bowling and then having a BBQ at the Sandgate waterfront. I am really looking forward to it. This will be the first time in months that some of our friends have seen Presley. What a nice surprise they'll have now that she's walking and 'talking'. I will, of course, give a full update in my next posting. Until then, have a terrific weekend and remember, you can do anything you set your mind to!

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