Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring!

I love the rain. I love it's smell and it's sound. I love the way seemingly mature and grown up people suddenly turn into little kids as they dash through it, giggling and laughing. How, although it is a darkened sky, you know that when the rain ends there will be glorious sunshine. The way the grass seems to grow right before your eyes and leaves glisten with drops. How you can hear the earth being nourished by the rain.

So although it has rained non stop all day, and there have been moments of panic as water sweeps in through windows or under doors, I feel as rejuvenated as if I myself where the one being fed today.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogworld Suz! My favourite thing about the rain...it's cools everything down (including my temper which rises in ratio to the temperature)! I wonder if we would feel so in love with rain if we lived in Melbourne!
