Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My challenge ...

We all need a challenge, and here is mine: to list off my "Top 5" for the next 10 days. They may be serious, funny, challenging, nice or just plain boring but, they will be mine. So here goes.

My Top 5 most disliked household chores (in no particular order):

1. Cleaning the toilet
Need I explain? Ok, maybe I better. Cleaning the toilet was my job, every morning for about 5yrs when I lived at home, always a point of contention between me and my mum. Plus I used to have a very weak stomach, it is a little better now though.

2. Cleaning the bathroom
Too much hair, too much scum and just generally gross

3. Sweeping the floor (sorry Bron)
Only because I end up doing it about 3 or 4 times a day and it never feels any better

4. Washing
Always ongoing, but I guess the bonus is I don't have to do it by hand.

5. Ironing
I think that one's a given.

What are yours?


  1. Good goal Suz! Glad you're back into it!

    1 - Cleaning shower drain - gag!
    2 - Vacuuming - so much bother!
    3 - Washing - it never ends! (Though I shouldn't complain too much because while living at Hotel Lyndal my washing gets delivered to my door! It's gonna hit me like a tonne of bricks when I move out again!)
    4 - Stacking dishwasher - again, I shouldn't complain because at least I have one!
    5 - Cooking dinner - can't stand the whole deciding what you're going to make thing

  2. Yes, the shower drain. Yuck. I put a plastic bag over my hand, close my eyes and don't open them until I've got it all wrapped up and ready for the bin. Ha ha, Hotel Lyndal. And where does your Dad fit in? Bellboy? Porter? or entertainment?

  3. 1. Washing- it's never ending.
    2. Cleaning my room-seriously NEVER look in there.
    3. Cleaning in general.
    4. Cooking dinner for the same reason Anna said. I mean, dont they have an iPhone app that will decide and do it for you yet?
    5. Cleaning the floor under the couch. I have to rearrange the whole room to do this!

  4. Geoffrey is the babysitter! Ever could watch him tinker with his motorbike or play 'horsies' with him for hours! Thank goodness!
