Thursday, September 9, 2010

Note to Self

Ok Self, here's something you may want to remember for next time, if you have a crick in the neck don't do any heavy lifting apparently it only aggrevates it. Hm, who knew.

But onto to today's Top 5, and I think I'll do All Time Favourite Movies.

1)It's a Wonderful Life
I watch it every Christmas Eve, part of our family tradition. I cry every single time. I love the message and the way in which it is delivered. Beautiful.

2) Anne of Green Gables
'Look Marilla, puffed sleeves' 'I don't know what Matthew was thinking. You're going to have to turn sideways to fit through the door'. A true romance movie. Breathtaking scenery, gorgeous hunk and a storyline that truly appeals to the woman inside.

3) The Scarlett Pimpernel
Maybe not that well known to all but my sister and I LOVE this film. One school holidays we watched it at least once a day for two weeks. I don't know, there's something about swashbuckling, gorgeous, secretive billionaires. "They seek him, they seek him there, those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in (dramatic pause) hell? (all the ladies swoon) That damned, elusive, Pimpernel."

4) Schindler's List
Boy oh boy oh boy. Talk about an emotional reaction. I cry everytime. This movie provokes such a strong response in me. Such a heartrending telling of life for Jews during WWII. Joseph Fiennes does such a brilliant job as the camp Commandant because each time I watch it I just shake with rage at his callousness, and am bewildered by his total lack of compassion for other human beings.

5) Mulan
This movie really appeals to me. I love the songs, the characters and the message of the film. An all round lovely movie. And I tell you, if it's possible to have a crush on a cartoon character then Shang-Yu is it for me.

Enough of my favourites, what about yours? I think it's really interesting why people choose the films they do to be in their Top All Time Favourites list.

1 comment:

  1. 1 - Legends of the Fall
    Epic story, beautiful scenery, Brad Pitt - oh hang on, I already mentioned the beautiful scenery! I could watch this movie on repeat for days! I cry EVERY time! And Anthony Hopkins is amazing in it too.
    2 - Notting Hill
    Hugh Grant at his best. I honestly think this is the best romantic comedy of all sweet and so funny.
    3 - Gone With The Wind
    I used to watch this as a little girl and before I understood the story line I just loved to watch the dresses, and the men adoring Scarlett and just how beautiful she was. Now that I understand the wider story I just love to watch the dresses and the men adoring Scarlett and just how beautiful she was! :) No, I love her sass and the way she goes against the grain.
    4 - The Matrix - Oh man, Trinity kicks butt!!
    5 - One True Thing - A lesser known film starring Renee Zellweger in the early days, Meryl Streep and William Hurt. A classic struggle between the working woman and the must watch it if you havn't seen it...bring the tissues!

    PS - I LOVE Anne of Green Gables! That was one (well two with the sequel) I would have seen 50 times I'm sure....such a pure love story.
